rooted at pathway

youth missions 2024

This year, we have the amazing privilege of sending Pathway’s very first youth summer missions team!
We believe this to be a testament of God’s faithfulness in our ministry so far, in continuously growing us in our worship of our personal Savior King, Jesus. Praise God for this opportunity, and praise God for extending to us His welcome into the wider Kingdom work in the world!

Our Trip:

  • Location: Mexicali, Mexico (about 2hrs east of San Diego)

  • Date: July 7th to the 20th

  • Type of ministry

    • Evangelism in the local communities

    • Construction work on church buildings

    • VBS with church families

  • Please pray for us for:

    • Safety and team unity!

    • God’s purpose to be carried out faithfully by our team, & that we’d be able to follow after His heart.

The Team

  • Nathan Lee


    Nathan finds the people at Pathway to be like a second family and treasures the time he spends with the youth, adults, and Pastor Bill. He enjoys all kinds of physical activity and sports with a past in competitive baseball. A fun fact about Nathan is that he fell out of a tree when he was younger.

    His prayer request for the mission: strengthening his relationship with God, implementing lessons learned from the mission to every aspect of his life, and that the team will effectively perform our duties in Mexico.

  • Theo Kim


    He enjoys watching Warriors games with his dad, spearfishing, listening to music and playing sports or video games with friends. Sports he currently participates in are wrestling and Judo. Some random facts about Theo are that he speaks 3 languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish), has a younger sister, and his favorite NBA player playing outside of the Warriors is Anthony Edwards.

    His prayer request is that he will be able to grow stronger in his faith, and also spread the love and word of God on the missions trip.

  • Josiah Moon


    Josiah enjoys just being with other people and having fellowship together. He likes playing sports such as tennis and ultimate frisbee. He also enjoys playing video games, learning songs on piano, and figuring out how to play the guitar.

    His prayer request is for courage and wisdom through challenging moments, and to grow in his connection with God through connections with many others.

  • Isaac Lee


    Isaac enjoys playing golf as well as volleyball. He also likes to watch TV, play video games, and hangout with friends. Fun facts about Isaac is that he is a second-degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and used to play baseball when he was younger.

    His prayer request is that he will be able to grow in my relationship with Christ, and that God will be with our entire mission team as we spread His word.

  • Kayden Huang


    Having recently joined Pathway, Kayden has already found home in the youth group community. He’s had experience in 2 missions trips, one in the Navajo Nation located in Arizona, and the second in the Philippines last month. Some activities he likes is playing sports, traveling, and playing video games with friends. He’s also played soccer in high school, and club in the past, and has traveled to 5 different countries.

    His prayer request is to have perseverance through tough and stressful situations, safe travels to Mexico, and to experience God on this trip.

  • Connor Shon


    Connor has a service trip to Hazard, Kentucky. He likes to play video games and hangout with friends. He also likes to play volleyball and swim. Some fun facts about Connor: he is a sneaker head and is fluent in Korean.

    His prayer requests is that he is able to grow closer with God and that the missions trip will go well.

  • Lydia Thomas


    Lydia enjoys musically related activities; playing piano, guitar, ukulele, singing, & listening to music. She also likes playing badminton, making origami and taking naps. Fun fact: She’s been playing piano for almost 13 years!

    Prayer Request: For strength and guidance as she gets ready to share the love of God in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people.

  • Hannah Thomas


    Upon finding her love for teaching and sharing the Gospel through Christian summer programs, Hannah began wanting to teach more and spread God's Word to those who may not know Him. After leading several children to Christ in the past two summers alone, God has proven how important teaching others about God is to her and led her to continue sharing the Gospel through her first missions trip.

    Her prayer request is to (as a team) have the courage and strength to share about God to others, wisdom in supporting each other through struggles, and safety while spreading God's Word through this Mexico missions trip.

  • Sophia Park


    Self proclaimed "Cat Lady" and "Asian Bible Girl". Since joining this team, Sophia has already been blessed tenfold and is eager to discover what God has prepared in Mexicali 2024.

    Please pray for wisdom, discipline, unity, and a humble heart during this trip; that our love and willingness to obey Him surpasses our feelings of discomfort; to truly experience Him, and that others would be able to experience Christ through us.

  • Bill Kim


    After being a part of his very first short-term trip in HS, he fell in love with the wider Kingdom work being done in the world. And after almost 12 years, 17 trips to 10 different countries; God has only increased that love for missions more and more.

    His prayer request is for wisdom as he leads the team, safety for the team, and for the students to encounter God in a deep, personal way as they follow God’s invitation to the Kingdom work in Mexico.

Financial Support:


Checks made out to Pathway Bible Church
with “Youth Missions” as the note.


@rootedatpathway, “Youth Missions” as the note
(6091, if they ask for the last 4 digits of phone #)

& select “Youth Ministry” in the drop down menu

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